Creating Digital History
I am excited to announce that I have ePublished my third eBook, "Creating Digital History.” While the title implies history, it is really...
Creating Digital History
The Signal Corps Photographic Section
How to Print my Free eBooks
The Purple Heart Battalion
Our Family's "Wall of Honor"
Why is it called "D-Day"?
Father, Son, and the US Army Signal Corps
What is a Digital Historian?
This Photo Only Tells Half The Story
My New (free) eBook "If It Flies, It Dies" Has Been Published!
Ukraine Air Defense Overview
U.S. is Sending HAWK Missiles to Ukraine
The First Woman to Serve in The US Army
The First Woman Enlisted in the United States Armed Forces 106 Years Ago Today
Army's Air Service Started as a Component of the Army Signal Corps!
America's First Combat Unit to Enter Vietnam was Air Defense!